Starts 12/14/2024 13:00 (Saturday)
Ends 12/14/2024 15:00 (Saturday) Central Standard Time
Duration 2h
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This class plays a vital role in addressing a pressing concern: numerous individuals, including police officers who have undergone firearm training, often suffer injuries due to mishandling their own firearms. Thus, having a comprehensive understanding of how to handle firearms appropriately is paramount, as it can prevent these accidents from happening.
If you own, carry, or anticipate using a gun, this class is a necessity. You'll acquire proven and effective techniques for maintaining control of your firearm and preventing it from slipping out of your grasp. Although this is a non-shooting class, it can be adapted to an advanced firing session.MA Fitness 4400 34th St N, St. Petersburg, FL 33714 1PM - 3PM Reserve Your Spot Today